Hull City Councils Liberal Democrat Leader Carl Minns has admitted that his administration is using the summer floods in the city as a cover to close council facilities. The admission comes as no surprise to many of us in the city as the Liberal Democrats are keen to hive off or close as many council services as possible.
Gary - as a local resident I read this blog from time to time. I don't always agree with everything you say but at least you got around in Drypool when you were the councillor. I understand from that other blog about your one that you're not the Labour candidate this year? Is there any reason for that? And why is there no mention of it on your blog?
As an applicant for a Labour parliamentary nomination I did not think it was right to also seek to stand for a council seat. Tory Councillor Andrew Percy who is a general election candidate will be stepping down as a councillor before the general election. I will however, be campaigning in Hull for the Labour candidates in May 2008.
Gosh! Gary, you know more than i do and I am the Hon sec of Bricknell ward branch of the North Hull Conservative and Unionist Association.
I shall rush to tell Andrew what he is doing immediately. I am sure he and the Association will be grateful for your imput. Thanks for sharing
Thanks for your comments John. It is interesting how your comments fail to answer the very simple question. Is andy standing in Hull in May? He seems very reluctant to acknowledge he is a Hull city councillor in his own blog!
you should probably check out his new blog then Gary, which makes no mention of him being the Conservative candidate for Goole!
A double life he's leading...
Perhaps that's because it's not a blog about Hull.
To be honest Gary you did not ask a question: you merely said Andrew "would...."
As to his intentions only he can say. He will let the branch know and we will weigh it up. It is worth commenting he is my longest serving ward colleague so his commitment to the ward is not in doubt as far as I am concerned working with him on our campaigns
I am sure Andrew faced a difficult decision but I think it is one that has already been made. Stepping downs shows he thinks he can win a parliamentary seat staying as a councillor in Bricknell would send a message that he thinks he cant win.
As he is now campaigning as a parliamentary candidate I think its fair to say his commitment to the ward could be questioned.
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