McCobbs Revenge.
Not towing the party line within the Nasty Liberal Democrats in Hull has led to the sacking of one of the newest Lib Dems councillors. The only crime committed seems to be voting for themselves. Nasty man Dave McCobb has already lined the seat up for one of his old school friends.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Hull Liberal Democrats are all about money and greed.
It seems the Hull Liberal Democrats are still all about money and greed. A comment former deputy leader Janet Toker used to describe the party in Hull. Recently the Area Committees met to elect chairs for the coming year. It seems the Lib Dems are having difficulty getting members to toe the party line when it comes to chairs of committees and the additional allowance involved. One Lib Dem member was in such a rush they even managed to nominate themselves for the post ahead of the party nominee.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Sloan dash for power defeated.
Andy Sloan made a dramatic dash for power as he stood for Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group and the Council. Unfortunately for Andy he received a just one vote, his own. Even his fellow ward councillors failed to back him!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Labour Group Elect New Leader.

This week I attended the first Labour Group meeting following the council elections. One of the first items to be decided was the election of a new leader after Ken Branson stepped down. I am please to say that my East Hull colleague Steve Brady has been appointed with Daren Hale continuing as Deputy.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Hull Liberal Democrats are all about money and greed
Janet Toker the former Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats in Hull made this stinging remark in her resignation speech fro the party. The comment clearly still hits a very raw nerve with some sections of the Hull Lib Dems who are currently still squabbling over paid positions. I have even had outraged comments sent to me regarding the matter. However, as usual with the yellow Hull fib dems without a backbone and sent anonymously.
Friday, May 11, 2007
John Prescott
Last night I attended the East Hull Labour Party meeting at which John Prescott announced his intension to step down as Deputy Party Leader. Of course it wasn’t a surprise and the date had been widely tipped for some time. The meeting gave John an opportunity to thank the local party and people of East Hull for the support given over the past 37 years and to outline some of the many achievements of the Labour Government over the past 10 years.
Lib Dem /Tory packed comes under pressure.
The Lib Dem /Tory pact on the Hull City Council is coming under intense pressure this week as the squabble for extra council allowances hots up. The ruling group no longer need the support of the two Tory councillors and they now face losing their highly paid additional allowances so the positions can be handed out to new Lib Dem councillors. Former Lib Dem councillor and ex deputy leader of the council Janet Toker famously left the Lib Dems following a similar squabble claiming the local “Liberal Democrats are all about money and greed”. The result of the squabble will be very interesting and will have an impact on the council for the rest of the year. If the two Tory councillors are given the highly paid posts of Chair of Planning and Chair of Licensing they will continue to vote with the Lib Dem group for the next 12 months. However, if the money and greed group win the day two Lib Dems will be appointed and every vote in full council will be on a knife edge.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Full Drypool Result
James Parker .............. Conservative ............................138
Janet Toker..................Independent ...........................139
Gary Wareing ...............Labour ...................................1234
Angela Wastling ...........Lib Dem .................................1642
Total votes 3059
Turnout 31.17%
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Drypool does it again
Well after what must be one of the longest election campaigns in the city i lost the Drypool Council seat late on Thursday night. It is now some years since a sitting councillor was able to hold the seat most recent councillor only able to manage one term in office.
The election campaign as always was huge fun very tiring but finally disappointing. I must thank everyone who helped with the campaign especially Jill my wife who has had to put up with the ups and downs of months of leafleting telephones and of course mountains of paperwork stacked all over the house.
My agent Bobby organised a wonderful campaign and managed to organise huge amounts of help in the ward from the university Labour Club. Oh and he really did try to kill me near the end of the campaign.
The election campaign as always was huge fun very tiring but finally disappointing. I must thank everyone who helped with the campaign especially Jill my wife who has had to put up with the ups and downs of months of leafleting telephones and of course mountains of paperwork stacked all over the house.
My agent Bobby organised a wonderful campaign and managed to organise huge amounts of help in the ward from the university Labour Club. Oh and he really did try to kill me near the end of the campaign.
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