Saturday, December 23, 2006

Lib Dem overspend now running at £5M

The current Liberal Democrat administation at the Guildhall is running up a massive £5,000,000 overspend according to this weeks cabinet reports.

a) The net projected overspend is now £4.997 million compared with £5.140 million at the end of Period 5.

Liberal Democrat councillors agreed at the meeting to continue with the list of budget cuts listed below.

"The actions taken/proposed were again reported to members in November for Period 5 and remain unchanged for Period 7. In summary the key areas remain:

· (£290k) saving by introducing tighter controls over Care Home placements resulting in a one in for every four leaving care. This will need to be carefully monitored.

· (£180k saving achieved by review of residential placements to ensure appropriate accommodation is secured.

· (£135k) additional income can be achieved through carrying out individual assessments of ability to pay for respite care rather than charging a flat rate.

· (£195k) saving to be achieved by review and revision of home care packages where applicants receive between 0-5 hours per week.

· (£190k) reduction in the scale of core packages offered.

· (£250k) saving achieved by ceasing purchase of equipment for Aids/Adaptions."

Lib Dem bosses have also held a crisis meeting to discuss massive cuts in other council services.

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