Friday, December 15, 2006

Weekly rubbish collections will be scrapped by the Lib Dems

Lib Dems set to introduce fortnightly rubbish collections.

Liberal Democrat administration at Hull City Council are drawing up plans to roll out the introduction of fortnightly wheelie bin collections in the city.

The Liberal Democrats are planning to introduce four pilot schemes.

The areas chosen will trial different methods of rubbish collections.

Two areas will see fortnightly rubbish collections with and a recycling collection.

In two other areas weekly wheelie bin collections will remain but the larger 240-litre bin will be replaced with a smaller 140-litre bin about the size of the current Blue bin.

The trial area are being kept secret by the administration. The recent changes to collection days for 35,00 households in the city was the first stage of the Lib Dems plans.

The areas selected will also see enhanced collections of recyclable materials including green waste and cardboard.

This is the second time that a Liberal Democrat administration in Hull has tried to scrap weekly collections.

Changes to collections will take place after next year’s local elections.


Bobbylad said...

No comments from our anonymous Lib Dems on this one.

Anonymous said...

Here's something from a Council employee.....sounds like perfectly good sense to me. Hull needs to cut costs, recycling rates have improved. I know that my own bin could go two or three weeks between collections due to the reduction in volume as a result of recycling efforts. Stop trying to make political points from initiatives that would reduce costs.

P.S. What's the news about the Conservative scrap cars? The 10 days must be long gone now. Has he exerted pressure on officers??????

Bobbylad said...

Why the anonimity, it is either because you are a council employee in the sense you are a Lib Dem councillor (Andy) or your not supposed to be political points scoring yourself?

Which is it?

Anonymous said...

Bobby - I am a council employee and a one sick of Yah Boo politics in the Guilhall.

If the Lib Dems have some good ideas on how to save or spend the budget then I will say so. Same goes for Labour when they were in power, some great ideas came in then, but not too many focused on cost savings. We all know the budget problems at the moment so I am keen to see some thought going into sensible cost savings planning.

Some of us read this blog to keep us informed, not all of us work in the Guildhall and are somewhat isolated from goings on that are common knowledge to many.

Gary - keep on with the blog, I find it all an interesting read........

A Council Employee (do you really think I'd leave my name?) remaining Anonymous

Bobbylad said...

If we are to look at the substance of the issue, what recyling targets have the Lib Dems set whilst in power? Have the increased significantly on the rates the previous administration delivered if they have increased at all? The answer is no, the year on year increases in our recycling rate have ended and that is really sad. Not just for our council tax payers but for our local enviroment and our part in the wider enviromental picture.

So when there is mention of this idea being aimed at increasing recyling I don't beleive it. The only thing it has been proven to increase in the areas that have tried it is flytipping and dangers to public health.

Anonymous said...

Bobby - please stop trying to score political points with every comment......

My own comments are about cash savings. I am in a position to be able to inform you that recycling rates and normal refuse collections rounds are such that Hull CC can look at offering a reduction in the traditional refuse collections, in certain areas, because of increased recycling rates. It is true that the rates of recycling in Hull are still lagging behind other Local Authorities and improvements are required across the city.

I have already given too many hints at the location of my workplace within Hull CC, but what seems very clear is that you do not have the true facts in this matter. We need to save cash, and by "WE" I mean ALL MEMBERS, ALL OFFICERS and ALL RESIDENTS.

Please try and work together for the good of the city of Hull.

Anon Council Employee