Saturday, December 08, 2007
Leisure Centre remains closed.
Liberal Democrats councillors are adamant that the Woodford Leisure centre in the East of the city will remain closed. Despite advice from council officers that the facility could be reopened. I understand from talking to officers this week in the Guildhall that the Liberal Democrats want to demolish the building.
Friday, November 23, 2007
“I’ll use floods to cover up closures” says Minns

Hull City Councils Liberal Democrat Leader Carl Minns has admitted that his administration is using the summer floods in the city as a cover to close council facilities. The admission comes as no surprise to many of us in the city as the Liberal Democrats are keen to hive off or close as many council services as possible.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Charles Kennedy Syndrome.
Officers at the Guildhall are said to becoming increasingly worried about the Liberal Democrat leader. As the officer said to me “he recently took time off sick suffering from stress”. I thinks its much more likely to be linked to the frequent liquid lunches.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Hull Lib Dems councils massive increase in consultants
Hull Lib Dems plan to spend thousands of pounds on additional consultants whilst at the same time makings 200 staff redundant. Lib Dem boss Andrew Sloan confirmed plans to take on additional consultants in the Highways Department at the councils scrutiny committee.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Lib Dem Leadership Race

Hughes: "If you were two-faced like the rest of us, you'd see that dagger before you."
Photo and caption taken from Guy Fawkes.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
So no general election this year.
So no General Election this year. I must say I am a little disappointed that Gordon Brown decided not to call an election for November. As a political activist elections are the most exciting times. Despite recent opinion pools I still believe Labour will win a majority whenever the election is held. With the most likely date now well into 2009.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Stephen Twigg wins West Derby nomination.

Stephen Twigg has this weekend won the Labour nomination for the Liverpool seat of West Derby. Twigg famously beat Tory Michael Portillo in the 1997 general election.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Labour Campaign Team
Today I attended a regular campaign group meeting of Labour’s local government committee. It was a very good meeting with some excellent contributions from Labour group leader Steve Brady and Daren Hale. The chair and secretary of the group have worked hard to follow a timetable for the next local elections and to ensure we have the best team possible in place.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Alan Johnson opens new Health Centre
Alan Johnson today opened the new Longhill Health Care Centre on Shannon Road. The Health Secretary praised the work of the local PCT and highlighted the huge investment going into the NHS in Hull.
Don't Drive tired.

In 2001 a Land Rover and trailer left the M62 at a rail-over bridge went down the embankment and came to rest fouling the main railway line at Great Heck. The resulting rail crash cost the lives of 10 people including train driver Steve Dunn.
This week his widow and the road safety charity Brake are publicising the devastating results possible of driving whilst tired.
I regularly drive trains along the main east coast route past the site of the crash. Whilst there is little sign of the accident now it is a constant reminder of the possible consequences of road users driving whilst unfit.
This week his widow and the road safety charity Brake are publicising the devastating results possible of driving whilst tired.
I regularly drive trains along the main east coast route past the site of the crash. Whilst there is little sign of the accident now it is a constant reminder of the possible consequences of road users driving whilst unfit.
Thatcher Visits Brown

As a Labour activist through the whole of the 80’s I hated the Tories and particularly Margaret Thatcher. So seeing a Labour Prime Minister welcoming Thatcher into number 10 was particularly galling. However, the photo opposite is interesting. Does it show Maggie now backs Gordon? The bright red dress must have been deliberate and guaranteed to be the photo opportunity outside number 10. The visit sends a clear message to Tory voters that it’s ok to vote for Gordon
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tebbit Test.

In 1990 Norman Tebbit one of the most rabid of the political right mooted a "Cricket Test" be applied to Asians living in Britain. The test clearly designed to be racist in nature is one of the abiding quotes from the Thatcher years. Lets hope it stays buried in the rubbished history of the Tory right.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
John Prescott decides to step down at the next election.

John said, “ It had been a huge privilege to represent the people of East Hull”.
No hint was given as to when the next General Election will take place.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Cllr Nicholson attacks Lib Dem Cabinet
Cllr Nicholson attacks Lib Dem Cabinet
Holderness Ward Liberal Democrat Councillor John Nicholson made an astonishing attack this week on how his own group operate. We all know that the Lib Dems operate in an undemocratic way but its unusual for one of their own to not only admit it but to complain about it to members of the Labour Group.
Holderness Ward Liberal Democrat Councillor John Nicholson made an astonishing attack this week on how his own group operate. We all know that the Lib Dems operate in an undemocratic way but its unusual for one of their own to not only admit it but to complain about it to members of the Labour Group.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Residents walk out of meeting.
A recent article in the Hull Mail shows how deluded the average Liberal Democrat councillor can get. The article described how residents attending a "Public Meeting" were forced to Queue up to ask questions. Over 70 residents attended but found they could only ask questions to councillors sat at tables and not to the whole meeting. Many residents walked out in disgust. The Liberal Democrat Party organised said afterwards "it went well".
Liberal Democrats forced to admit they lied.
The Liberal Democrat party in Hull is rapidly being forced to admit it drastically overestimated the numbers of properties in Hull damaged by the recent floods. Liberal Democrat representatives repeatedly lied about the numbers to make the event more dramatic. They didn't care about the people and families involved. Now they are having to admit they got it wrong. The lesson is simple if a Liberal Democrats can't be trusted.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Hull Floods
It is difficult to talk to anyone in Hull who has not been touched by the recent floods. People who have had homes flooded have had a dreadful experience. It will take some areas many months to get back to normal. We all know that Hull is a low-lying city which sits on a flood plain below the tidal high water line. But the threat from one day of very heavy rain had a devastating result on many thousands of residents.
The main now is the clear up operation, the quick removal of damages furniture and the prevention of future flooding.
The main now is the clear up operation, the quick removal of damages furniture and the prevention of future flooding.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Gordon Brown takes over as PM.
So its finally happened and Gordon Brown has taken over from Tony Blair as Prime Minister. The next 3 months will be an interesting period as the new Prime Minister sets the agenda for the rest of the parliament. He has already said that Health and Housing will be top priorities. But what changes will be made. The house price boom has been mostly driven by increased demand and increased population. Opening up new areas for increasing supply of houses will be crucial in reducing housing shortages. On health the Labour government has put a huge amount of investment into the NHS. Massive improvement have been made without the government getting credit for the improvements in waiting times, pay, numbers of doctors and dentist etc.
Perhaps a new health secretary can change that.
Perhaps a new health secretary can change that.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Harriet Harman becomes Labour Deputy Leader.

On Sunday Harriet Harman became the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party and replaced local MP John Prescott. The role is likely to be a much different from the one occupied by John. Harriet Harman has been appointed as chair of the Labour Party and will focus much of her attention out and about up and down the country.
The result of the election was extremely close between West Hull MP Alan Johnson and Harriet Harman.
The special Labour Party conference also saw Gordon Brown replace Tony Blair as Labour leader.
Watching the conference it is very clear that the changes made at the top of government will benefit the country and the Labour party.
The government has been given a fresh impetus and focus on making the housing market work more effectively and further improving the NHS.
Opinion polls show Labour improving and moving ahead of the conservatives reflecting the complete failure of the Tory party leadership.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Labour back in the lead.
A new poll published in the Observer this weekend by Mori puts Labour back into the lead over the Consevatives with the nasty Lib Dems trailing in the rear.
Labour 39%
Tories 36%
Lib Dems 15%
There is clearly a long way to go befor the next general election but it is clear that voters prefer Brown to Cameron.
Labour 39%
Tories 36%
Lib Dems 15%
There is clearly a long way to go befor the next general election but it is clear that voters prefer Brown to Cameron.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Pearson Sells Out
Once upon a time after a long career with a club a footballer would be given a testimonial match to help with life after football such as buying a pub or a business or a career in teaching. Testimonial matches are a rarity now. Footballers even in the lower leagues can earn thousand every week whether they play or not. Players switch clubs as frequently as hairstyles with few ever gaining the respect of fans or a long service award.
Most club owners supported their local team, putting money and time into “getting the backroom” stuff sorted and a seat in the director’s box. Jack Walker at Blackburn, Michael Sugar at Tottenham and Elton John at Watford all supported their local teams as boys and went on to put their wealth into football clubs they loved.
Not anymore, football clubs are a commodity to be bought and sold by people who don’t support the team, city or care about the fans. They can come and more importantly go at a moments notice.
Paul Duffen and his associates are talking about the premiership in three years. Great. I want to see premiership football at the KC. But lets not forget what happened at Leeds United, spending millions to soar before crashing in debt and the farce of a bankruptcy buy back scheme.
What is needed in football is a real say and real control for real fans. Supporters who follow local teams in good times and bad deserve more of a say in what happens to “their” team than listening to a hasty press conference to be told its been sold to a group of southern based gamblers.
Most club owners supported their local team, putting money and time into “getting the backroom” stuff sorted and a seat in the director’s box. Jack Walker at Blackburn, Michael Sugar at Tottenham and Elton John at Watford all supported their local teams as boys and went on to put their wealth into football clubs they loved.
Not anymore, football clubs are a commodity to be bought and sold by people who don’t support the team, city or care about the fans. They can come and more importantly go at a moments notice.
Paul Duffen and his associates are talking about the premiership in three years. Great. I want to see premiership football at the KC. But lets not forget what happened at Leeds United, spending millions to soar before crashing in debt and the farce of a bankruptcy buy back scheme.
What is needed in football is a real say and real control for real fans. Supporters who follow local teams in good times and bad deserve more of a say in what happens to “their” team than listening to a hasty press conference to be told its been sold to a group of southern based gamblers.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Hull Liberal Democrat Councillor sacked.
McCobbs Revenge.
Not towing the party line within the Nasty Liberal Democrats in Hull has led to the sacking of one of the newest Lib Dems councillors. The only crime committed seems to be voting for themselves. Nasty man Dave McCobb has already lined the seat up for one of his old school friends.
Not towing the party line within the Nasty Liberal Democrats in Hull has led to the sacking of one of the newest Lib Dems councillors. The only crime committed seems to be voting for themselves. Nasty man Dave McCobb has already lined the seat up for one of his old school friends.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Hull Liberal Democrats are all about money and greed.
It seems the Hull Liberal Democrats are still all about money and greed. A comment former deputy leader Janet Toker used to describe the party in Hull. Recently the Area Committees met to elect chairs for the coming year. It seems the Lib Dems are having difficulty getting members to toe the party line when it comes to chairs of committees and the additional allowance involved. One Lib Dem member was in such a rush they even managed to nominate themselves for the post ahead of the party nominee.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Sloan dash for power defeated.
Andy Sloan made a dramatic dash for power as he stood for Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group and the Council. Unfortunately for Andy he received a just one vote, his own. Even his fellow ward councillors failed to back him!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Labour Group Elect New Leader.

This week I attended the first Labour Group meeting following the council elections. One of the first items to be decided was the election of a new leader after Ken Branson stepped down. I am please to say that my East Hull colleague Steve Brady has been appointed with Daren Hale continuing as Deputy.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Hull Liberal Democrats are all about money and greed
Janet Toker the former Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats in Hull made this stinging remark in her resignation speech fro the party. The comment clearly still hits a very raw nerve with some sections of the Hull Lib Dems who are currently still squabbling over paid positions. I have even had outraged comments sent to me regarding the matter. However, as usual with the yellow Hull fib dems without a backbone and sent anonymously.
Friday, May 11, 2007
John Prescott
Last night I attended the East Hull Labour Party meeting at which John Prescott announced his intension to step down as Deputy Party Leader. Of course it wasn’t a surprise and the date had been widely tipped for some time. The meeting gave John an opportunity to thank the local party and people of East Hull for the support given over the past 37 years and to outline some of the many achievements of the Labour Government over the past 10 years.
Lib Dem /Tory packed comes under pressure.
The Lib Dem /Tory pact on the Hull City Council is coming under intense pressure this week as the squabble for extra council allowances hots up. The ruling group no longer need the support of the two Tory councillors and they now face losing their highly paid additional allowances so the positions can be handed out to new Lib Dem councillors. Former Lib Dem councillor and ex deputy leader of the council Janet Toker famously left the Lib Dems following a similar squabble claiming the local “Liberal Democrats are all about money and greed”. The result of the squabble will be very interesting and will have an impact on the council for the rest of the year. If the two Tory councillors are given the highly paid posts of Chair of Planning and Chair of Licensing they will continue to vote with the Lib Dem group for the next 12 months. However, if the money and greed group win the day two Lib Dems will be appointed and every vote in full council will be on a knife edge.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Full Drypool Result
James Parker .............. Conservative ............................138
Janet Toker..................Independent ...........................139
Gary Wareing ...............Labour ...................................1234
Angela Wastling ...........Lib Dem .................................1642
Total votes 3059
Turnout 31.17%
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Drypool does it again
Well after what must be one of the longest election campaigns in the city i lost the Drypool Council seat late on Thursday night. It is now some years since a sitting councillor was able to hold the seat most recent councillor only able to manage one term in office.
The election campaign as always was huge fun very tiring but finally disappointing. I must thank everyone who helped with the campaign especially Jill my wife who has had to put up with the ups and downs of months of leafleting telephones and of course mountains of paperwork stacked all over the house.
My agent Bobby organised a wonderful campaign and managed to organise huge amounts of help in the ward from the university Labour Club. Oh and he really did try to kill me near the end of the campaign.
The election campaign as always was huge fun very tiring but finally disappointing. I must thank everyone who helped with the campaign especially Jill my wife who has had to put up with the ups and downs of months of leafleting telephones and of course mountains of paperwork stacked all over the house.
My agent Bobby organised a wonderful campaign and managed to organise huge amounts of help in the ward from the university Labour Club. Oh and he really did try to kill me near the end of the campaign.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Vote Wareing X
The Drypool campaign is now in its final week with the result looking like it will be a very close result. The vast majority of postal votes have now been cast with over 600 already returned. The represents a very large turnout of the potential voters. This is the final week of the election campaign with the postal voted opened on Wednesday and polling stations open on Thursday.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
First week
Campaigning is now well underway in the area with 3 weeks left until polling day on May 3rd. Much of this week has been spent leafleting, talking to residents and dealing with problems in the ward. I have been able to sort out problems with fly-tipping, housing repairs and street cleaning issues this week.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Nomination Papers In
With the local elections in Hull taking place on the 3rd of May nominatios for candidates are currently open. On the first day 8 nomination papers went in including my own.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Hull Liberal Democrats to be investigated for Election Fraud

Leading Liberal Democrats are to be investigated over alleged election fraud during the Local Council Elections in 2006. A 50-page report recently submitted details the allegations together with supporting documents.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Lib Dems bosses turn off CCTV system.
Lib Dems turn CCTV off.
The Liberal Democrats who control Hull City Council have never supported CCTV in the city. When the system was first proposed they did everything they could to prevent Hull getting a system despite huge grants being available from the government for a system.
Now we discover that staffing of the CCTV control room is being run down with job vacancies left uncovered for months.
They have undermined the system and staff and the confidence of residents in the city.
The Liberal Democrats who control Hull City Council have never supported CCTV in the city. When the system was first proposed they did everything they could to prevent Hull getting a system despite huge grants being available from the government for a system.
Now we discover that staffing of the CCTV control room is being run down with job vacancies left uncovered for months.
They have undermined the system and staff and the confidence of residents in the city.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Street Sweeping Concern
Over the past few months many residents have contacted me regarding the decline in the standard of Street Sweeping in Drypool since the Liberal Democrats took control of the Council. It has been suggested to me by a resident that this is a deliberate policy on behalf of the ruling group in order to justify putting Waste Management out to a tendering process and letting a private company move in.
Cycle Track White LIghting
Following the Groves Residents meeting i contacted the street lighting department at the council. They agreed to visit the area and following the meeting arrangement have been made to improve the lighting on the Dansom Lane cycle track. The current lighting heads will be replaced with new white lighting. Also a dark spot identified at the in Whitby Street will be rectified with a new street light.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Meeting with Cllr Collinson
Following the budget setting meeting I had arranged a meeting with Cllr Mark Collinson the Liberal Democrat portfolio holder for Highways regarding the implementation of the Labour amendment to the budget. A very interesting meeting.
Groves Residents Association Meeting.
The second meeting of the Groves area residents association took place on Sunday 4th of March. Again a very well attended meeting which is due to the enthusiasm of Vicki and Sean. The meeting was well run with a large number of issues aired. The formation of the association is beginning to make a real difference to the area.
Full Council Meeting.
The Hull City Council Budget setting meeting took place on the 1st of March. After a 6 hour meeting the Liberal Democrat budget was agreed with a number of Labour amendments. Unfortunately the Lib Dems gave up debating the budget of even debating council policy and instead decided to make crude personal attacks. This is quite typical of the poor Lib Dems approach to politics in general. They have very little in the way of debate but concentrate on personal comments and attacks on individuals.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Sloan attacks Castle Street improvements.
The future of the A63 traffic improvements was put under serious doubt last night at a local residents meeting. Cllr Andy Sloan the Hull City Portfolio Holder for the economy and regeneration spoke against the proposed improvement and the plan to reunite the city with a cut and cover tunnel for Castle Street.
This is the first time I have heard the scheme dismissed by a senior figure in the council and must put the future of the improvements in doubt.
A tremendous amount of work has gone into providing a united front from the city in the call for Castle Street to be improved.
The Cut and Cover proposal has won widespread support from business leaders in the city, the media including the Mail unite the city campaign, political support from the council and MPs and has won the backing of the regional representative in competition against other traffic schemes in other parts of the region.
Lobbying for the scheme has won fund for design and feasibility studies which if successful would lead to full funding.
The danger now is that if the Liberal Democrat administration are moving away from the plans currently under consideration the scheme could then lose support and funding and be put to the back of the queue against other transport projects.
There are many other projects in the region desperate for the fund allocated to this project.
This is the first time I have heard the scheme dismissed by a senior figure in the council and must put the future of the improvements in doubt.
A tremendous amount of work has gone into providing a united front from the city in the call for Castle Street to be improved.
The Cut and Cover proposal has won widespread support from business leaders in the city, the media including the Mail unite the city campaign, political support from the council and MPs and has won the backing of the regional representative in competition against other traffic schemes in other parts of the region.
Lobbying for the scheme has won fund for design and feasibility studies which if successful would lead to full funding.
The danger now is that if the Liberal Democrat administration are moving away from the plans currently under consideration the scheme could then lose support and funding and be put to the back of the queue against other transport projects.
There are many other projects in the region desperate for the fund allocated to this project.
Witham Neighbourhood Forum Meeting
Last night the Witham Neighbourhood Forum meeting was held at the Cornmill Hotel on Holderness Road. Attendance at meetings can fluctuate from a small handful to over a hundred depending on the issues and concerns of residents.
Last nights meeting was lively and interesting. One of the better forum meetings. The main topics included traffic and parking issues and removal of rubbish.
Last nights meeting was lively and interesting. One of the better forum meetings. The main topics included traffic and parking issues and removal of rubbish.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Neighbourhood Watch Group
Earlier this week i was invited to the first meeting of a new Neighbourhood Watch Group. It was a well run and attended meeting by local residents. Some very positive comments and contributions made and i am sure the group will do well.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Lib Dems want to give up!
Having had a brief chat over the weekend with one of my Lib Dem colleagues it seem there is quite a strong feeling within the Lib Dem group to “have a month off”, as it was put to me.
This is absolutely amazing. The Lib Dems in Hull having demanded to be put in control now want a month off to fight the election.
My feeling is that more and more people are seeing Liberal Democrats for the underhand scheming group they are.
After all 12 of their own councillors in recent years have left following fallouts and infighting. Two have even left since the last election.
Clearly cracks are starting to show particularly within the leadership of the Liberal Democrats. Many people have commented to me on the poor performance of Cllr Minns both from within the Council and other residents.
Perhaps he is suffering from too many lunches with the arch Tory John Fareham.
This is absolutely amazing. The Lib Dems in Hull having demanded to be put in control now want a month off to fight the election.
My feeling is that more and more people are seeing Liberal Democrats for the underhand scheming group they are.
After all 12 of their own councillors in recent years have left following fallouts and infighting. Two have even left since the last election.
Clearly cracks are starting to show particularly within the leadership of the Liberal Democrats. Many people have commented to me on the poor performance of Cllr Minns both from within the Council and other residents.
Perhaps he is suffering from too many lunches with the arch Tory John Fareham.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Lib Dems threaten to resign
The Liberal Democrat administration who control Hill City Council are threatening to resign if they don't get their own way at next weeks budget setting council meeting. It is the second time the group has issued such a threat. Clearly unhappy at having to make any sort of decision they are always looking for a reason to walk away.
Full Council Meeting
A Full Council Meeting was held this week on Thursday 15th of February. Given the parties are all active on discussing the coming budget it was a more subdued meeting than usual. The Budget meeting will take place on Thursday the 1st March and could provide some real fireworks. There are some very serious decisions to be made over the coming weeks and months and it is becoming very clear that the current Lib Dems are not up to the job. Even their leader admitted so much in slip at the full council meeting. Cllr Minns admitted he needs to reshuffle the cabinet soon. This is very clear as a number of current cabinet members are not up to it. In particular Collinson Baker and Sloan are all struggling and are likely to be the first to be dropped or demoted.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Riverside Area Committee Meeting 14th February
The Riverside Area Committee meeting was held in the ward this month at the Balfour Street Community Centre. Unfortunately the police who normally attend did not on this occassion and it was not possible to raise concerns expressed by residents. Following the meeting i spoke to the area inspector and have passed on the most serious issues. A promise of action over the next few weeks was made.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Lib Dems axe Number 90 Bus Service.
Liberal Democrat councillors in Hull have decided to axe the popular Number 90 bus service. The service which has run to and from Victoria Dock to the City Centre for the past 10 years will be axed so that savings can be used to fund Stagecoach services in the West of the city.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Council to clamp down on tax dodgers
Details of press release issued by the Authority. Hull City Council is about to undertake a high tech initiative that's set to find council tax dodgers across the city. Using the latest data matching technology, an initial 5,000 households in Hull that claim to be occupied by a person living on their own will be checked to make sure that the 25% discount they are receiving is still applicable. This anti-fraud initiative will access a range of data sources. This included third party data providers which helps to ensure that only people entitled to receive the 25% single person discount actually do so. The initiative is fully in-line with Data Protection Regulations. Andy Brown, Head of Revenues and Benefits said: "People who are genuinely claiming this discount have nothing to fear - we want them to continue receiving the discount to which they are entitled. However, we take a zero tolerance approach to fraud - all fraud - and we will use the latest technology to carry out this major council tax anti-fraud initiative. "It's vitally important that council tax due is collected to pay for local services such as street cleaning, leisure centres, social services and education."Anyone who is claiming the 25% discount incorrectly is being urged to come forward by 28 February 2007 and notify the council before these checks are made to avoid the possibility of the council taking further action unnecessarily. After this date, claimants who are identified as being ineligible for the discount but are claiming it, face the prospect of a £50 civil penalty and/or possible prosecution under the Theft Act 1968 that could lead to a fine of £1,000.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Lib Dem bosses axe Wilberforce Celebration Chief

Liberal Democrat bosses at the Guildhall have moved the organiser of the Wilberforce Celebrations to another role within the authority. The move prompted a double page spread in the local paper as partners in the celebrations spoke of their concerns at the way the move has been handled. A high paid consultant will now be hired to take on the role. It seems the control freaks in the Lib Dem administration are once again showing an aggressive and nasty side.
How the Mail carried the story.
New Sub-Post Office for Chamberlain Road
I was pleased this week to be contacted by Sergi Singh the owner of the Jackpot store on Chamberlain Road. Following a high profile public campaign Sergi has had his application to open a Post Office counter in his shop accepted. This is really good news for business and residents in the area. The post office counter will require some alterations in the store and training for staff and should be open in a few months time. Sergi rang to thank me for my support in the campaign to obtain the post office.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Traffic Problems Victoria Dock School
I have received a large number of complaints regarding indiscriminate parking around Victoria Dock School at drop off and pick up times. The traffic department at the council are well aware of the problem and have been receiving complaints. Whilst I understand parents want to make sure their children arrive at school safely it is not acceptable that they then cause other parents and road users problems. Following my request a consultation will begin with local residents into possible solutions to the problem.
Fake Lib Dem
The fake Liberal Democrat candidate in Drypool continues to lie about her real address and is still prepared to give a bogus address on her leaflet. This says so much about the Lib Dems in Hull. Whilst I have no problem with Angela standing as a candidate and welcome a real debate about issues in the area her first act has been to lie to residents. Not a very good start then.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Bound Together Residents Group
A very successful meeting of this newly formed residents group. The meeting was well attended despite the cold weather. Many new faces at the meeting which may indicate the regular forum meetings are not representative of the area. Still some good issues raised. Some criticism of the police was harsh given the work we know is being done by local officers. All in all a very good evening.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Still Yellow Tories
During elections the Lib Dems contact tory voters and say things like "can we borrow your vote" you know the conservatives can't win here. They also put out leaflets with the same message. This is aimed at Tory voters.
However, after the election the Fib Dems then claim that all the votes were "Lib Dems Votes". Clearly incorrect. In actual fact the votes are mainly made up from traditional tory voters encouraged to jump ship.
Its not then a big jump to look again at some of the floppy haired public school sorts who make up the new group of Fib Dem councillors and say they would be just as happy in the new conservative party. Its just that they would not have won in Hull under a Tory banner.
Since most are only interested in as Janet Toker put it "money and greed" they are only in the Hull Fib Dems because they think they will get elected.
This MUST really annoy some of the older longer standing members of the group perhaps ex-leader Cllr Butterworth who left during a vote at the last council meeting.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Bound Together Residents Meeting
The next meeting of the newly formed residents group takes place Tuesday night 23rd of January 2007 at Buckingham Street School.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Yellow Tories finally take control at Hull City Council
The Yellow Tories who are now in control at Hull City Council finally showed themselves today with the staged release of their budget proposals for the next financial year. A budget based on selling off council assets, giving away to private trusts council assets, redundancies and service cuts has been trumpeted in the local media by the Yellow Tories leader Carl Minns.
Even before the budget proposals the splits within the Liberal Democrat Group became very evident at the Council Meeting yesterday. There has always been a split between the traditional “liberal” wing and the younger aggressive anti everything group of newer Lib Dem councillors.
The budget proposals have very obviously widened that gap.
Whilst the older element of the Hull Lib Dems retail their liberal roots, the new breed have long since dumped any pretence at political philosophy in pursuit of power.
Or as Janet Toker put it “ The Lib Dems in Hull are all about money and greed”.
Years of claims of a two horse race in Hull have resulted in the Lib Dems totally replacing the Conservatives. Many Lib Dems councillors owe their seats to traditional Tory voters no wonder then that the group is rapidly moving onto Tory ground.
Even before the budget proposals the splits within the Liberal Democrat Group became very evident at the Council Meeting yesterday. There has always been a split between the traditional “liberal” wing and the younger aggressive anti everything group of newer Lib Dem councillors.
The budget proposals have very obviously widened that gap.
Whilst the older element of the Hull Lib Dems retail their liberal roots, the new breed have long since dumped any pretence at political philosophy in pursuit of power.
Or as Janet Toker put it “ The Lib Dems in Hull are all about money and greed”.
Years of claims of a two horse race in Hull have resulted in the Lib Dems totally replacing the Conservatives. Many Lib Dems councillors owe their seats to traditional Tory voters no wonder then that the group is rapidly moving onto Tory ground.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Full Council Meeting.
The Full Council Meeting for January was held at the Guildhall. Despite an unusually light agenda the meeting still overrun its allotted time. One of the most interesting things about to today is the extent to which Liberal Democrat Councillors are prepared to spin, bend the truth or tell outright lies. The other interesting thing is the small number of councillor involved. The divisions within the Lib Dems are becoming clearer and clearer. At one point the Cllr Minns was reminded by the Tory councillors that he was only leader due to the votes of Cllr Percy and Cllr Fareham. Actually this is true of all the Liberal Democrat Councillors. Despite claiming to be liberals the actual vote base of the Lib Dems is very small and they rely on natural conservative voters jumping ship. In many of the contributions today they really did look like yellow Tories.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Holderness Road Forum.
On Wednesday a neighbourhood forum was held at the Balfour Street Community Centre. As usual there was a good turnout of residents and a very good level of discussion on a variety of topics. The police usually attend meetings but have decided not to recently. I understand that the current Lib Dem administration are trying to bully the area police team, of course the Lib Dems dont care about local police, residents or crime.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Special Council Meeting
A special meeting of the Council was held on Thursday this week. The main topic of discussion was the activities of the portfolio holder for Social Care. Complaints had been made by residents that services had been cut without any warning or consultation. In what was a disgraceful attack on residents Councillor Baker called them liars. Anyone with any doubts that the Liberal Democrats a the Real Nasty Party should listen to this vile contribution to debate.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Political decision to carry on with incineration.

Political decision to carry on with incinerator
Yesterday I attended the planning committee meeting which decided the fate of the proposed energy from waste facility at Saltend.
As usual the Events staff at the Guildhall were able to put on a professional well-organised show.
A large number of people attended but it was very clear that very few were from the city itself with many residents being bussed in from the East Riding.
The majority of Lib Dem councillor backed the incinerator. The debate within the Liberal Democrats must have been interesting. The move in their position on this issue is truly staggering. But ultimately correct.
In practice whatever the wishes of local politicians the argument to build an incinerator was overwhelming.
Hull does not have a landfill site and with rising costs of landfill projected to well into the future the financial consequences for the authority would be dire if the proposal had been turned down.
It is a great credit to the Lib Dems that the proposal was agreed. This was a tough political decision for them and for once they gave up the opportunity to back out. Well done.
Yesterday I attended the planning committee meeting which decided the fate of the proposed energy from waste facility at Saltend.
As usual the Events staff at the Guildhall were able to put on a professional well-organised show.
A large number of people attended but it was very clear that very few were from the city itself with many residents being bussed in from the East Riding.
The majority of Lib Dem councillor backed the incinerator. The debate within the Liberal Democrats must have been interesting. The move in their position on this issue is truly staggering. But ultimately correct.
In practice whatever the wishes of local politicians the argument to build an incinerator was overwhelming.
Hull does not have a landfill site and with rising costs of landfill projected to well into the future the financial consequences for the authority would be dire if the proposal had been turned down.
It is a great credit to the Lib Dems that the proposal was agreed. This was a tough political decision for them and for once they gave up the opportunity to back out. Well done.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
The Burning Issue
The Hull City Council Planning Committee finally meets on Monday to decide the fate of the proposed Energy from Waste facility at Saltend. There is talk of little else in the Guildhall with a number of prominent councillors scrambling to be on other duties that day.
New Liberal Democrat candidate doesn't even live in Hull
Questions are being asked after the Liberal Democrats in “East Hull” selected a candidate who is not even a resident of the city to stand for election in the Drypool Ward in May. Under existing election law a candidate must be a resident or work in the city they are attempting to seek election to.
But their candidate lives miles away in the East Riding at Lane End Farm, Swine Lane, Coniston in East Yorkshire. After a series of defections they must be struggling to find paper candidates to fight seats in the city.
But their candidate lives miles away in the East Riding at Lane End Farm, Swine Lane, Coniston in East Yorkshire. After a series of defections they must be struggling to find paper candidates to fight seats in the city.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Bound Together Residents Group
It was really nice to attend the new local residents meeting yesterday. The group formed following problems in the area with anti-social behaviour it has now widened into a full residents group.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Lib Dems run up massive overspend.

The crux of the story is the Liberal Democrat administration in Hull is heading for a massive overspend. Even with the service cuts already planned like reducing home helps the projected overspend is £3,600,000. The Mail says “ this will be the first significant overspend for several years”. The Lib Dem bosses at the Guildhall are clearly financially incompetent.
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